Fluent Forms Template Library

High School Transcript Request Form Template

Use a High School Transcript Request Form Template to collect requests for high school transcripts from students

High School Transcript Request Form

High School Transcript Request Form (#17)

Please send an OFFICIAL copy of my high school transcript to:

College/University info

About this template...

A high school transcript request form is essential for students and alumni seeking to further their education or career. With a simple and secure form, you can quickly and easily request accurate and up-to-date official transcripts. Fluent Forms’ user-friendly design ensures that you can complete the form efficiently, providing the necessary information to process your request. Whether you are applying to a college, university, or employer, this transcript request form streamlines the process, ensuring that your transcripts are delivered promptly and efficiently. Let our high school transcript form simplify the transcript request process, helping you take the next step toward your academic and career goals.

High School Transcript Request Form

Features of this Template

  • User-friendly form for quick and easy transcript requests
  • Streamlined process to simplify the transcript request experience
  • User-friendly design that maximizes participation and response rates
  • Customizable fields to capture all necessary information for accurate transcripts
  • Ideal for students and alumni seeking further their education or career