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How to Create a WordPress Multi-step Form to connect More Users

WordPress multi-step form

Prema Anjum
Prema Anjum

Hello, This is Prema. I work as a marketing strategist for Fluent Forms at WPManageNinja. When I am not playing with words, I go to explore nature.

4 responses to “How to Create a WordPress Multi-step Form to connect More Users”

  1. Anurag Gupta Avatar
    Anurag Gupta

    Is there an option to pass on the tags to Fluent CRM for further segmentation? For example, in the form to collect information on ‘website development’, a user is given predefined options to select an industry – Real Estate, Hotel, Accommodation Rentals etc. I want them to be tagged appropriately and pass on the leads to fluent CRM for further marketing automation actions.

    1. rednishat Avatar

      Hi, you can try this with FluentCRM & Fluent Forms Integration.

  2. Yaseen Avatar

    No way to add chained select in repeater feild

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Currently, we’re not giving this feature on the repeater field. But we’ll keep this in our mind, and maybe will add this in the future.

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