
Connect Google Sheets Integration Easily to Your WordPress Site

Google sheets integration

Prema Anjum
Prema Anjum

Hello, This is Prema. I work as a marketing strategist for Fluent Forms at WPManageNinja. When I am not playing with words, I go to explore nature.

8 responses to “Connect Google Sheets Integration Easily to Your WordPress Site”

  1. Danny Avatar

    I get error when I try do delete fields. I had to delete some form fields and column in spreadsheet receiving data. When I delete also from the mapping fields I get error when saving it.

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Please open a support ticket here. We need to look into the problem and find a solution based on this. https://wpmanageninja.com/support-tickets/#/

  2. Shahrzaad Parekh Avatar

    Is the Google Sheets integration available for free users or is it a PRO feature ?

    1. Inqiat Reza Avatar
      Inqiat Reza

      Hi Shahrzaad,
      Google Sheets is a pro-integration. And if you’re wondering about free vs. pro features & integrations of Fluent Forms, please check out this page – https://fluentforms.com/free-vs-pro/
      Thank you

  3. Syarif Avatar

    i tried this instruction and worked,
    Then i tried to delete some data on fluentform “all entries” page but data in google sheet didn’t delete.
    can I delete data or update data in google sheet from fluent ?

    thank you

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Any deleted data from Fluent Forms won’t be updated on Google Sheets. Only new entries on Fluent Forms will be added on Google Sheets automatically.

  4. Copperwoman Avatar

    I get an error after setting up 21 fields.
    Can I add more than this?

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Hello Copperwoman,
      Thanks for your question. Your issue is not clear to us. Could you please open a support ticket here: https://wpmanageninja.com/support-tickets/#/

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