How to Export Form Entries Using Fluent Forms

Prema Anjum
Prema Anjum

Hello, This is Prema. I work as a marketing strategist for Fluent Forms at WPManageNinja. When I am not playing with words, I go to explore nature.

8 responses to “How to Export Form Entries Using Fluent Forms”

  1. jomar jalos Avatar
    jomar jalos

    Hi i hope your developer have an option to import the entries.

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      You’ll get this in the next version. Currently, it is possible during migration from other forms.

  2. Athlone Avatar

    Hi there. How do we export ALL entries from one site to another site (in this case the same site but a complete rebuild on a clean WP install.

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Sorry, you can’t import the entries only, you have to migrate your whole database to another site.

  3. Benoît Avatar

    Is it possible to automatically export the .xlsx file whenever someone fill the form ?
    Thank you

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Sorry, it’s not possible.

  4. Gonzalo Avatar

    Hello. Is it possible to export entries to a CSV with name and last name into 2 different colums?

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Hello Gonzalo,
      If you export the entries on CSV, the columns come separately by default. Could you please explain what exactly you are looking for?

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