
Managing Form Entries Just Got Easier With Fluent Forms PDF Generator

Fluent Forms WordPress PDF Generator

Mahiyath C
Mahiyath C

Mahiyath is a digital marketer for Fluent Forms. She likes to explore through the alleys of WordPress and learn about the themes and plugins, currently specializing in WordPress forms. When she’s not doing that, she’s planning her next adventure.

13 responses to “Managing Form Entries Just Got Easier With Fluent Forms PDF Generator”

  1. Julian Okolonji Avatar
    Julian Okolonji

    Hello, please I have created a very detail 8 page temp staffing registration form and want to replicate the form on the pdf, how can this be done? It would have been easier if we could add table to arrange things just like in Ms word. Is there any plugin that can help with creating such a template? or any advise?

    1. rednishat Avatar

      You can only download your form entries as basic pdf using the pdf addon. There is no template customization. We’ll look into the possible solution. Thanks!

  2. kevin Avatar

    Hello, when they send the pdf to the mail and I open it, I get this error. (There has been a critical error on this website.)
    but the page is still active, what would be the error or what is generating this error.
    thank you

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      You need to install the PDF font from the integration page. Checkout this Screenshot for the better understanding https://prnt.sc/QOE8zSIPsrJG

  3. Jack Iyyas Avatar

    How can I add a logo inside PDF template?

  4. 360ninja Avatar


    please note that images in automated PDFs are not working (only red cross iss showing up where an image should be).

    You are probably aware of this and working on a solution.

    When you fix this, where will it be announced?

    How to keep up to date regarding this issue?

    Thank you.

    1. Sadiq Ahmad Avatar
      Sadiq Ahmad

      Hello, the issue you raised here has not been reported. Images work fine with PDF export. It might be something with your site. If you’re not sure, please open a support ticket and let our agents help you.

  5. Edon berisha Avatar

    Hi, how to make a PDF generation downloadable for guest, or to make possible to sent as a link?

    1. Mahiyath C Avatar
      Mahiyath C

      Hi, this is possible, but not directly. Kindly open a support ticket so our support ticket can guide you through it.

  6. Chris Avatar

    My need is to generate a PDF using multiple entries. So if I have 50 entries I’d like to filter what form, dates, etc. Maybe add a cover page. Choose to add page numbers or not. Then make that a downloadable pdf that I can send a link for. It would generate each time it’s hit so the link user gets the modest recent entries.

    Nothing on the market that I am aware of. If you’re not doing this now it would make you stand out head and shoulders above the rest.

    1. Mahiyath C Avatar
      Mahiyath C

      Hi! We currently don’t have anything of the sort but we’ll put it on the feature requests.

  7. Franck Avatar

    Hello Ninja Team. I have the WP Fluent Forms Pro installed in my wordpress together with Fluent Forms PDF Generator. It’s been about 2 weeks I’m trying to find documentation about how to generate a PDF file with the shortcodes including its description.
    If I have a simple contact form like this:


    where just “subject” is not mandatory to submit the form.

    Well, let say I want to generate a PDF like this (supposing I don’t type anything in Subject):

    Name: Franck
    Email: franck@email.com
    Message: lskdjfl;isjfoijsd

    Or, if the subject is given, then I need this same form to be printed like below:

    Name: Franck
    Email: franck@email.com
    Subject: ods;ijfiosdf
    Message: maslk;dfids

    How can I do it? I think it’s possible to do it because when I use {all_data} it gives just the filled in fields.

    I hope you understand what I’m trying to explain.

    Thanks for the app, it’s really impressive.


    1. Mahiyath C Avatar
      Mahiyath C

      You can use individual shortcodes in this case.

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