Advanced Features of Fluent Forms

Stunning, impeccable, and intuitive — these are the words that best describe Fluent Forms’ advanced features. The fastest WordPress form-builder plugin empowers you to create dynamic and smart forms that go beyond simple data collection.
From conditional logic and multi-step forms to payment integrations and quiz creation, Fluent Forms allows you to enjoy tons of functionality in one single plugin.
One reason our users love us is that we offer some advanced features in our free version. But if you want to enjoy the full potential of the plugin, we recommend upgrading to Fluent Forms Pro.
In this blog, I’d like to highlight the advanced features of Fluent Forms.
Why Fluent Forms?
Contact forms have a prominent place in the WordPress plugin industry. Hence, the number of form-building tools is so large that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. In this concentrated market, Fluent Forms stood out because of its unique features. Maybe not all features are literally unique, but the way they help users is making a difference. I’d like to emphasize two single points.
First: What Fluent Forms offers in its free version, we can assure, you will not find these features in any of the other free products. Even some of its free features are being sold as premium in other plugins.
Second: The price. It’s sweeter than you might expect. Do quick research, and you will understand Fluent Forms is the cheapest option that exists in the market with all the high-end facilities. No bragging!
Is Fluent Forms Cost-effective?
As I just made a point above, Fluent Forms costs only as little as it was possible to run the team. The goal of the owner is to provide a robust solution without breaking the user’s bank and giving their hope back for using more tools to run their ventures successfully. In online marketing, people often need to apply multiple tools for marketing, promotion, and website customization. If one tool costs much and it becomes challenging to go for an additional tool. Fluent Forms wants to let its users get all the features they need in a form builder at an affordable cost. So, yes, it’s not only less pricey, but it’s highly cost-effective too.
Advance Features of Fluent Forms
The following features are ready to deploy with Fluent Forms to tweak your form building experience from ordinary to outstanding level.
Customer engagement
Communicating with customers thoroughly is every marketer’s dream. Fluent Forms will help you establish a robust connection with its customer-focused features. The more you will be using the plugin, the better you can understand how it helps accelerate your marketing endeavor.
Advanced Post Creation

In simple words, users can submit a post via simple form submission. While you arrange a post submission form, users will get the setting the same as the Add New of your WordPress dashboard. They will give the title and write the post on the classic editor. They can add a featured image if they want. And finally, they will submit the post. Without any user registration or doc format, you will get a ready-to-publish post. Moreover, the taxonomy features let users choose the category and tags, as well. Post creation in Fluent Forms is a dynamic way of getting posts submitted by users.
User registration

Leveraging the default WordPress function, Fluent Forms can be a brilliant way for user registration. How? You’ll set up a form, and if the user submits it, they will be registered as a member. Yeah, it’s that simple! To collect new users and to give them the login option, you don’t need another user registration plugin. It was a most-asked feature and is definitely a time-saver (not to mention money-saver).
Net Promoter Score

A customer satisfaction measurement tool to identify how satisfied customers are with your product or service. The scale ranges from 0 to 10, and it simply indicates the level of satisfaction your users are getting. The default text is “Not at all Likely” for dislike and “Extremely likely” for appreciation. By the way, you can update the text with your own words. Here are some ideas for customizing the text.
Super Happy – Super Sad
Wow – Upset
I like it! – It’s disgusting
Great – Ludicrous
Recommended – Didn’t like at all
Learn how to add Net Promoter Score in any forms created with Fluent Forms.
Dedicated Landing Page

I admit, this feature has limitations, and it’s not offering currently as what a landing page means. Yet, this is a useful option to set up some additional information and decorate the page with essential elements. Although this is a basic landing page that has nothing but a form with some simple customizing options, you can personalize it with custom CSS. What to mention is you have got the bare bones now you can add some flesh if you know how to do that.
GDPR agreement
It’s a law enacted by the European Union, and the goal is to protect the data of the EU citizens. GDPR reads as General Data Protection Regulation, and it gives the users more control over the information they share anywhere on the internet. If you want to collect the information, you need to get their consent first. Similarly, you have to delete the collected data if they wish. However, Fluent Forms does have an option to include GDPR agreement on your form so that users can feel more secure by giving their personal information.
Survey and polls

Surveys and polls are the best ways to understand your customer’s needs – what they want and how they want. Even sometimes, the result can be way different than you have assumed. However, with Fluent Forms, you can easily create surveys and polls. Use this documentation to know how to make an efficient survey form. On top of the regular country list fields, radio fields, checkbox fields, net promoter score.
Popups are an excellent way to collect emails for newsletter signup. Fluent Forms has some exciting options to add popups and lightbox. You can follow this documentation to know how to display a form via popup. The inbuilt features for popup can help you to make your form ready to appear while users are visiting your page. The above guide will show you now how to make a popup by implementing custom CSS. In the future, there might come a more rigorous way to design and include a popup.
Conditional features
The ability to set conditions will allow you customizing forms in your way. From deploying extra features to keeping forms clutter-free, conditions have many higher-level benefits.
Conditional logic
Conditional options are dependent on other parameters. If a specific action is triggered, then the conditional fields will start working. For instance, if some select country, then the country list will appear; otherwise, it will be kept hidden. Similarly, if you choose football, then the team names may come on the list. How does it help form users? By implementing conditional logic, you can keep your form clutter-free. Users won’t get overwhelmed unnecessarily, and the form will be displayed with a cleaner look.
Conditional confirmation message
Whenever someone submits a form, they will get a confirmation message, not to mention that you can customize it with your words. But, you can do a lot more with confirmation. By setting up a condition, users will be redirected to a specif page or get a personalized message you have set for them. There are multiple options to set the message right. For instance, you can mark some words to include your condition and display the message based on those words.
Conditional email notification
Based on this setting, you can set up some conditions for emails. Now, you can send a custom notification to your customers. You can add many options like first name, email, text, and a lot of other attributes. Adding email addresses on BCC fields, you can send the same notifications to multiple persons. Also, you can add specific keywords that include something or exclude something.
Payment integrations
The evolution of forms flourished far from contact forms to advanced tools, like collecting payments. With smart and innovative integrations like Stripe and PayPal makes the forms a fantastic solution for marketers.

Stripe needs no introduction, I guess. The good news is you can easily collect all your payments with Stripe integration in Fluent Forms. Nothing’s complicated. You need to have a Stripe account and then incorporating it to Fluent Forms. Read our documentation on how to add Stripe to Fluent Forms.

Getting paid with credit cards is easy if you can add Stripe as your payment gateway. Stripe is popular for its integrity and seamless processing system. Whatever you sell, Fluent Forms will allow your customers to pay without any extra trouble. The pricing model of Stripe is another strong reason people love this payment processor.

PayPal is used by tons of big companies for their rigorous online payment system. If you already a user of this famous brand, no worries. Fluent Forms is now able to make a smooth bridge with PayPal so that people can pay for your service comfortably. Our documentation on PayPal integration can help you further.

You need to set your forms after connecting with PayPal. That’s it! PayPal users don’t have to go to their PayPal account. They can pay here right at your website because Fluent Forms will process the payments with PayPal’s integration. PayPal is easy to get started with, and so is the Fluent Forms payments.
Dynamic payment summary
What if users can review their payment summary before making the checkout? This feature will give your customer more reasons to buy from your store as they can modify if needed. Fluent Forms offers dynamic payment summary so that users can get a quick view of what they’re going to pay. Before proceeding to the final step they can see the total amount as it updates instantly.
Restrictions and scheduling
Both the restrictions and scheduling are great features in terms of establishing control over your forms. By setting bars around forms, you can determine how a form should act, and at what extent.
Form restrictions
Restrict the number of entries with restriction features of Fluent Forms. If you restrict the entries to a certain number, then select the maximum entries, and you can limit it by total entries, per day, per week, and more.
Form scheduling
Form scheduling is another exciting feature that will help you activate the forms when you set up the time. It might be one week later when the form will work, but before that, nobody can submit anything. Furthermore, you can also set up the ending time, and after that, the form submission option will be closed.
It’s not enough if you design forms but they can’t protect the backdoors from spamming. Fluent Forms takes cares of the security breaches with its intelligent features.
reCAPTCHA is a system that ensures a user is a human, not a computer-generated program. Google introduces this service, and it’s available for free. The technique is pretty simple – it throws a test that is easy for a human to solve but hard for bots. Fluent Forms has reCAPTCHA, and you need to integrate it for your forms. We have detailed documentation on how to integrate it into your forms.

Made by the same house that built WordPress, Akismet is a legendary solution for spam protection. Now Fluent Forms is more powerful with Akismet integration alongside its other anti-spam features. Making a connection between Fluent Forms and Akismet is a painless job. You can check out the docs on Akismet integration anyway. You can choose either the free or pro version of this plugin.
A honeypot is an anti-spamming computer mechanism used to ensure advanced security. It works as an undercover agent ready to detect and prevent bots from doing any action. In Fluent Forms, a honeypot works in a hidden field, which is meant not to be filled. A human doesn’t see that field, but a computer bot sees the hidden part as a usual form field. That’s why it fills everything, and honeypot detects it as spam, and, therefore, the submission is simply prevented.
Preventing Blank Submission
Another ‘looks simple, but it’s not’ method is the prevention of blank form submission. If you enable the feature, it will not allow users to submit an empty form, and then your database will be clean from not overloaded with blank forms. A computer bot or any other spam-generator can’t manipulate your form by submitting abundant forms that don’t have any data in it.
Reject Specific Submission
While the previous option prevents users from submitting a blank submission this option implies a little more accuracy. With this feature enabled, you can select some words to include in a black list. If a text area contains those words, the forms won’t be submitted. Moreover, you can also define particular domains or TLDs, as well.
Developer-friendly Quick Actions
The following features are best used by developers. With these technical facilities, you can tweak your forms to a new height.
The easy way to embed a block of codes or an element is by using shortcodes. Without writing multiple lines, it will need just one line. Fluent Forms presents you with a shortcode input field. In that field, you can add content that will work efficiently. Not only that, Fluent Forms also generates shortcodes for every form so you can use this code anywhere on your website. In Gutenberg, you’ll find a shortcode block where you can put the shortcode of Fluent Forms, and the form will appear with a blink of an eye.
Action Hook
A developer’s thing, but it’s an amazingly useful technique to make your form as functional as you want. Developers can bind their own functions and add them to the form. As a result, you will get something which was not previously added to the form. First, you have to add an action hook from input fields then write your code. Now it becomes a field, and you can customize it like other fields. You have three action hooks to write your code: $form_id, $post_id, and $form_settings.
Chained Select
What is chained select? It’s an advanced option for connecting one column to another. The fields are dependent on each other. If you don’t select a parent field, you will not get any item from that box. To make it work, you need to create a CSV file first and then upload it to Fluent Forms. I’ll tell you how it works. Imagine you run a store for selling mobile devices. So, if users select the iPhone, then all the models of the iPhone will appear, but none of the other companies will be displayed.
Marketing integrations
Digital marketers want to use their favorite tools with other platforms. Fluent Forms does understand this need, and it comes up with a dozen marketing integration, and the number is increasing every quarter.
For email marketing, Fluent Forms has the famous Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and GetResponse. It also includes modern, uprising tools like ActiveCampaign, iContact, Mailer Lite, and ConstantContact.
Some tools can do the all-rounding performance. For bot email and marketing automation, you can connect MooSend, ConvertKit, and Gist currently with Fluent Forms. For marketing automation, Fluent Forms connects Zapier, Platformly, and Sendinblue.
Do you use Trello for project management and Slack for communication? Good news for you. With Fluent Forms, these two superstars can be integrated easily. Connecting Google Sheets may help you to bridge between your existing data and future information.
Fluent Forms also allows you to send SMS notification with Twillio. Last but not least, HubSpot can also be integrated with Fluent Forms. No way you will be off-track while connecting tools to run your marketing seamlessly.
There are a lot more features untouched in this post. We have mentioned most of them in our features page. You can discover the rest by using the plugin in your website and applying for various aspects. Here goes a select few:
Checkable Grid
If you enable the checkable grid, users can select only what they want from a list of items. They can make their own combination by choosing items from different rows and columns. For example, you have three columns as mango, apple, and orange alongside three rows as ripe, raw, and pickle. Your customers may choose ripe apple, raw orange, and mango pickle.
Range Slider

It’s an excellent way for a rating on a specific subject matter. From a pre-instructed range of numbers, users will express their opinion, and you can further decide what to do with that information. Set the value for your slider from three options: default, minimum, and maximum. Choose a default value that will then appear in the predefined position. It’s not fixed, though. Users can take the value backward or forward until it reaches either to the min value or to the max value.

Want to collect signature along with the form submission? It’s merely an easy task for Fluent Forms users. If you add the signature field, users can sign with touchscreens, touchpads, even with a mouse. There’s no need to install any additional plugin or extension to let users writing their signature. As soon as users submit the form, the signature then converts to an image and stores it to the database. Fluent Forms Signature Addon brings additional power to your forms.
Bottom line
The possibilities are endless with Fluent Forms. It’s not just another WordPress form building plugin. You can rely on this tool as one of your marketing companions. I can
- It’s getting updated regularly with more engaging functions
- The support team is superfast to resolve any issue
- The pricing the most attractive option that makes the tool stand out
One response to “Advanced Features of Fluent Forms”
Hi! The Payment Fields (like some other input fields) include an upload image feature. Just select the field, and scroll to the Product Display Type option. All display types (except Single Item) offer image upload and you will see the upload option when you configure the Payment Items.
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