
How to Create an Employment Application Form in Your WordPress Website

Employment application form

In today’s competitive world, not only employees are seeking a job from a reliable company, but also employers are looking for experienced people in their businesses. For this reason, employers want to use high-screening tools in the recruitment process. One such type is the employment application form. No matter what type of organization you are running, it is crucial to maintain an application form to find qualified candidates easily.

Besides, it is easy for people to apply online while it is also secure to maintain all the data in one place. This article will show you how to make a job application form in WordPress with Fluent Forms. So, before proceeding into the main part, let’s know some details about an employment application form and the advantages of using it on your website.

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What is an employment application form?

employment application form template
Employment application form

A job or employment application form is an official format of a company given to candidates who want to apply for an open position. In this contact form, applicants are asked to fill out their information. After that, employers evaluate the form to find whether the applicant is a perfect suit for the company or not. Therefore, a job application form is an initial stage for screening the applicant in the recruitment process. 

Though there are different formats used in job application forms, they all cover the same base. Some of these may include:

  • Personal details include full name, address, email, number, etc.
  • A reverse-chronological list of employment history or work experience.
  • The educational background contains degrees, institutions, dates, awards, and honors earned.
  • References

In short, an employment application form is a helpful recruitment tool that covers the big picture of an employee’s personal information, experience, skills, and potential to be successful in the required position.

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Advantages of using an employment application form

employment application form free, wordpress
Free employment application form

Employers receive hundreds or thousands of applications every day. Instead of going through all the applications one by one, it’s better to write the initial qualifications in the employment application form. In this section, let’s see how crucial online employment application forms are in employee recruitment.

Saves time

A recent study by Wall Street Journal showed that it takes 25 business days on average for employers to fill up a vacant position. Following the traditional enrolment process like ads through newspapers, internal personnel departments, headhunters, or other advertisements can be time-consuming and costly. But online applications can reduce the hiring process time because of easy screening. 


Web-based employment application forms save costs for both job seekers and businesses. Companies save the cost of paper applications or traditional advertisements, whereas candidates don’t need to print out emails or resumes. Though employers might need to pay for the application system, it’s more worthwhile than other costs. On the other side, businesses that follow the conventional recruitment method can lose up to 20 percent of their first-year salary for the service.

Easy to deploy

Online employment application forms make it easy for candidates to apply for a job from across the globe if they have an internet connection and a device. Besides, businesses can save time and money by inputting information manually. Moreover, if any information needs to be changed, updated, or compared, that can be done without hassle and expense. It makes the recruitment process accessible, mainly when the hiring party receives many resumes every day. In addition, some employers use software that does a pre-screen of applicants’ online job application forms.

Identify applicants

Another benefit of using an employment application form is that it collects steady information because of a stable format. A maximum number of employers consider using online employment application form templates rather than curriculum resumes because the applicants can provide information with a clear picture of sustainability for the role directly. 

Now that we know the advantages of using an employment application form let’s find out the variety of forms to deploy them correctly.

Types of employment application form

employment application form pdf
Types of job application forms

A job application can be completed in many ways. It depends on the employers, and how they would like to recruit. In some cases, candidates need to submit their resumes in person. Besides, online application forms are usually submitted on an employer’s website. Sometimes, applicants are required to input their data directly into the employer’s system. Let’s see a detailed picture of some of these application forms.

Paper job applications

Paper job applications are employment forms that are filled out in person for a position at an event or directly to the organization in the recruitment process. Some employers still consider them over digital employment application forms.

Email job applications

Email job applications let you apply for the job through email. If you apply by email, it’s necessary to keep all your communications as professional as they would be on your cover letter or resume. Because according to the Pew Research Center, only 19% of job seekers hardly get replies from their employers through email. 

Online job applications

Example of an online job application form

There are thousands of companies to submit your resume online or complete an employment application form by inputting your data. Sometimes, you can apply directly on the company’s website by their default system.

In-person job applications

Many employers expect applicants to apply in person. Though it’s a traditional and easy process, you need to be prepared to apply and ready for the on-spot interview.

Now that we know the advantages and types of employment application forms, it’s time to create one. So, without any further discussion, let’s dive in.

How to create an employment application form with Fluent Forms

If you are searching for the best WordPress plugin to create the job application form for your website, then you are in the right place! Fluent Forms is the ultimate solution for your website. From creating application forms to conversational forms, all are in one place. Besides, it is a robust plugin with a smooth drag-and-drop feature. Moreover, Fluent Forms is rich in input fields, advanced fields, pre-built templates, payment fields, and third-party integrations. Your forms and their data will be secure with the GDPR consent field, reCAPTCHA, and hCaptcha fields. Now, let’s see how you can design an application form with the tool.

Here are the steps of the tutorial on how to make an employment application form with the plugin.

  1. Install Fluent Forms
  2. Create and customize your employment application form
  3. Configure your form’s settings
  4. Add the form to your website

Now, let’s craft the detailed tutorial.

Step 1: Install Fluent Forms

This is the same easy step as installing any plugin on your WordPress website. Go to your dashboard, and scroll down to the Plugins section. Then click on it, and search for Fluent Forms. Finally, install the tool, and activate it.

fluent forms, wordpress, dashbaord

Step 2: Create and customize your employment application form

Now go to the Fluent Forms dashboard. Then select the All Forms section, and click on the Add a New Form button to create a new form. Here you will see 65 pre-built templates and a Blank Form option. You can choose from any of them. Here we are taking the blank form option.

pre-built templates, fluent forms, job application form

Add the necessary fields, such as name, email, phone, address, education, work experience, file upload field for CV, etc. You can add as many fields as you require for your application form. Here is our form demo.

fluent forms, form editor, form fields

Now, you can also make your form beautiful with the custom CSS feature of the plugin. To do so, go to the preview & design section of the form, and add colors and margins to your form as you want them to be. Our form’s preview is given below.

form preview, fluent forms

You can also customize the form’s submit button in the form editor, such as button text, size, alignment, etc.

form editor, fluent forms, wordpress

Step 3: Configure your form’s settings

Go to the Settings & Integrations section of the form editor to arrange your form settings. Here you can set the confirmation type, after the form submission text, double opt-in option, form layout, form scheduling & restricting, and many other things on the Form Settings option from the left sidebar. Besides, you can add Email Notifications, Marketing & CRM Integrations simultaneously.

form settings, form editor, fluent forms

Step 4: Add the form to your website

When all the settings are done, save the form, copy the form shortcode, and paste it on your website, where you want to show it.

form fields, fluent forms

That’s it. You have successfully created an employment application form on your WordPress site that lets you quickly gather information about applicants.

To the end

We hope you found this tutorial helpful for creating a job application form on your WordPress website. You can also take a tour of our tutorials like boosting conversion with GetGist, growing email lists with Platformly, connecting CleverReach in WordPress, and so on.

You can follow us on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram to get more tutorials and information about us.

Prema Anjum
Prema Anjum

Hello, This is Prema. I work as a marketing strategist for Fluent Forms at WPManageNinja. When I am not playing with words, I go to explore nature.

2 responses to “How to Create an Employment Application Form in Your WordPress Website”

  1. Paul Lundgren Avatar

    Is there a way to have Fluent Forms Pro give an option to duplicate fields only as needed? For example, if I provide one section for prior employment, is there a way to have the user click a button to create another such line for another employer? This would allow us to only display one single line for each employer needed rather than fill up the entire form with entry fields that might never be used. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      Hello Paul,
      Thank you for your comment. For this type of use case, you can use the repeater field option.


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