
Connect Calendly to WordPress with Zapier For Easy Scheduling

connect Calendly to WordPress - Fluent Forms

Mahiyath C
Mahiyath C

Mahiyath is a digital marketer for Fluent Forms. She likes to explore through the alleys of WordPress and learn about the themes and plugins, currently specializing in WordPress forms. When she’s not doing that, she’s planning her next adventure.

2 responses to “Connect Calendly to WordPress with Zapier For Easy Scheduling”

  1. Randy Elder Avatar

    What version of Zapier is required? What does the date and time fields look like on the form? Doe they look like Calendly or are they drop down fields?
    I’m currently having trouble getting the time & date fields into FluentCRM. I would like all email to be sent from FluentCRM rather than Calendly so I have a record in the contact record.
    My free version of Zapier does not let me connect to Calendly.

    1. Mahiyath C Avatar
      Mahiyath C

      Hi! Kindly open a support ticket so our team can closely look into what seems to be the issue and guide you through it.
      Support ticket – https://wpmanageninja.com/support-tickets/

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