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7 Uses of Conditional Logic on WordPress Forms

conditional logic on WordPress forms - Fluent Forms

Mahiyath C
Mahiyath C

Mahiyath is a digital marketer for Fluent Forms. She likes to explore through the alleys of WordPress and learn about the themes and plugins, currently specializing in WordPress forms. When she’s not doing that, she’s planning her next adventure.

6 responses to “7 Uses of Conditional Logic on WordPress Forms”

  1. Goncalo Avatar

    When I try the Conditional email notifications, it displays a message “This field is only available on pro add – on”
    It’s not free anymore or never was free from the beginning?
    Thank you

    1. Sadiq Ahmad Avatar
      Sadiq Ahmad

      Sorry, Goncalo. It’s a pro feature.

  2. Simon Ferreira Avatar
    Simon Ferreira

    Hello there! When I put the form inside a Popup, the Conditional logic is not working. The same form, outside the popup and in the same page, works fine, but inside popup, is not working. Any idea in how can I fix this? Is this a bug or something? Suggestions? Tks!!!

    1. Sadiq Ahmad Avatar
      Sadiq Ahmad

      Hello, Simon

      Thanks for your comment. Well, it seems a bit unusual because normally it works. Maybe there are conflicts or something. It’s better if you open a support ticket so our agents can investigate the issue deeply.

  3. Jan Avatar

    Hi, is it possible to trigger another form with conditional logic? Let’s say I have form 1 implemented which asks for a dropdown selection. Then depending on the selected dropdown item, form 2, 3 or 4 is loaded.

    1. Sadiq Ahmad Avatar
      Sadiq Ahmad

      You can keep the dropdown with various options (A, B, C) and redirect users to another form after submission. For that, you have to create multiple forms (A, B, C) and set conditions for each. But forms within a form? That’s not possible. I hope it clarifies.

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