// Disable default css for all the forms
add_filter('fluentform/load_default_public', '__return_false');
// disable default css for the specific forms
add_filter('fluentform/load_default_public', function($status, $form) {
$targetForms = [1,2,3]; // form ids that you want to disable default styles
if(in_array($form->id, $targetForms)) {
return false;
return $status;
}, 10, 2);
Shuffle Inputs #
// This will apply for only form id: 14
add_filter('fluentform/rendering_form', function ($form) {
// change form ID
$targetFormId = 14;
if ($form->id != $targetFormId) {
return $form;
list($fixed_inputs, $inputs_to_suffle) = array_chunk($form->fields['fields'], 2);
$form->fields['fields'] = array_merge($fixed_inputs,$inputs_to_suffle);
return $form;
}, 10, 1);