
Generate PDF Invoice and Seamlessly Send Them to Customers

Girl looking at an invoice

Shaugat Ashraf
Shaugat Ashraf

An Econ major turned into a Digital Marketer by choice. Hello! This is Ashraf and I am here to enlighten you on various WordPress topics and help you make informed decisions.

4 responses to “Generate PDF Invoice and Seamlessly Send Them to Customers”

  1. Mohsin Alam Avatar
    Mohsin Alam

    Where are Settings & Integrations & PDF Feeds? I can’t see them! I can see “Global Settings” & “Integrations” but nothing is there you mentioned in the article. I don’t see your screenshot match my dashboard! your tutorial and my real-time experience are totally different! Please send me a video tutorial. Thanks

    1. Shaugat Ashraf Avatar
      Shaugat Ashraf

      You will find Settings & Integrations tab on the form editor interface. Screenshot: https://ibb.co/KxZ0mNj
      For the PDF Feeds option, see the image: https://ibb.co/6DgyNBX

      Hope it solves your confusion. Is there anything I can help you with?

  2. Sam Avatar

    What is the URL for button?

    1. Shaugat Ashraf Avatar
      Shaugat Ashraf

      The URL for the download button to download PDF invoice is the shortcode. To get the shortcode, go to the Settings & Integrations > PDF Feeds of a specific form. Scroll down and you will find the shortcode. Make sure that you have allowed downloading the pdf invoice.

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