Introduction #
The Fluent Forms BaseFieldManager Functions provide developers with a future-proof way to add new form fields easily.
The API Functions are automatically included when Fluent Forms Booted and they will be available anytime within the init hook. The BaseFieldManager class is located at in /plugins/fluentform/app/Services/FormBuilder/BaseFieldManager.php.
Please check out the github file to get more information.
Notice: Please do not initiate this class directly. You should extend this class to add a new form field.
Methods #
getComponent() #
* Implement your method to describe the full element
* return $component array
abstract function getComponent()
This is an abstract class that you have to implement in your own class. From this method, you have to return the full attributes of the element which will be available for settings in the form editor as well as in your render() function.
Here is an example of a custom element (Advanced Phone Field) structure which is available in our pro version of Fluent Forms
function getComponent()
return [
'index' => 15, // The priority of your element
'element' => $this->key, // this is the unique identifier.
'attributes' => [
'name' => $this->key, // initial name of the input field
'class' => '', // Custom element class holder
'value' => '', // Default Value holder
'type' => 'tel', // type of your element eg: text/number/email/tel
'placeholder' => __('Mobile Number', 'fluentformpro') // Default Placeholder
'settings' => [
'container_class' => '',
'placeholder' => '',
'label' => $this->title,
'label_placement' => '',
'help_message' => '',
'admin_field_label' => '',
'validation_rules' => [
'required' => [
'value' => false,
'message' => __('This field is required', 'fluentformpro'),
'valid_phone_number' => [
'value' => false,
'message' => __('Phone number is not valid', 'fluentformpro')
'conditional_logics' => []
'editor_options' => [
'title' => $this->title . ' Field',
'icon_class' => 'el-icon-phone-outline', // icon of the form in editor
'template' => 'inputText' // The template that will show in editor preview
The code is already self-explanatory. But you have to keep the structure as same as the example. The array needs to have the following keys:
- index
- element
- attributes (will be used for rendering in editor and frontend)
- name
- class
- value
- type
- placeholder
- settings
- label
- container_class
- label_placement
- help_message
- admin_field_label
- validation_rules
- conditional_logics
- editor_options (For Editor)
- title
- icon_class
- template (View Available Templates)
Please check our other element implementations in fluentformpro/src/Components folder to get an idea about the available attributes.
To check all the existing get component data structures please check this file. That file contains all free and some pro version data attributes implementation.
render($data, $form) #
* Implement render html for your form element. You have to print your element html
* @param: $element array - Contain the total element with attributes, settings etc
* @param: $form object - Form Object of the current form rendering in that time.
* @return void
abstract function render($element, $form);
You have to implement this method and print the final HTML for your custom element. Please check other implementations in the pro versions fluentformpro/src/Components folder. The DOM needs to be symmetric and you must have to use the parent class function to generate the doms to make the conditional logic/error messages work.
Please check all of the element renders ( compile() ) methods in these files.
getGeneralEditorElements() #
This is an important method that you have to implement when implementing your own element class. This method will return what settings will show in the general settings of your form element.
For example:
public function getGeneralEditorElements()
return [
Please note that These keys need to be matched with either your component’s settings or attributes keys.
getAdvancedEditorElements() #
This is an important method too that you have to implement when implementing your own element class. This method will return what settings will show in the advanced settings of your form element. By default, it returns the following
For example:
public function getAdvancedEditorElements()
return [
You should implement this method if you want to add or remove any settings.
Please note that These keys need to be matched with either your component’s settings or attributes keys.
Element Settings UI components for EditorElements #
There have 69 UI components for making any type of settings ui for your element. You can even implement your own by implementing generalEditorElement and advancedEditorElement methods. Please check the source code or phone field element in the pro version.
Where to find the built-in UI components: Please check in the github source file here
Implementing this class #
Create a PHP class and then extend this class. Here is an example where we can use the must use methods
class MyAwesomeFFElement extends \FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\BaseFieldManager
public function __construct()
'Element title',
['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'],
'general' // where to push general/advanced
function getComponent()
return []; // return your element structure
public function getGeneralEditorElements()
return []; // return your general settings keys
public function getAdvancedEditorElements()
return []; // return your advanced settings keys
public function render($data, $form)
// print your valid html for this element
* Finally initialize the class
add_action('fluentform_loaded', function () {
new MyAwesomeFFElement();
Further read #
Validate data input from frontend #
If you want to validate user input data for your form submission you have to implement a filter hook
add_filter('fluentform/validate_input_item_{YOUR_ELEMENT_KEY}', function ($errorMessage, $field, $formData, $fields, $form) {
$fieldName = $field['name'];
if (empty($formData[$fieldName])) {
return $errorMessage;
$value = $formData[$fieldName]; // This is the user input value
* You can validate this value and return $errorMessage
return [$errorMessage];
}, 10, 5);
Learn more about this validation here:
Transforming Input Data in Entries/Emails #
Maybe you collected the data as an array or key of any dynamic data and you need to transform that data to anywhere that is viewable at admin panel entries/email/3rd party integrations.
* @param $response string|array|number|null - Original input from form submission
* @param $field array - the form field component array
* @param $form_id - form id
* @return string
add_filter('fluentform/response_render_{element_key}', function($response, $field, $form_id) {
// $response is the original input from your user
// you can now alter the $response and return
return $response;
}, 10, 3);
All Together #
Your ideal implementation will look like this if you want to use both custom validation as well as custom response render.
class MyAwesomeFFElement extends \FluentForm\App\Services\FormBuilder\BaseFieldManager
public function __construct()
'Element title',
['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'],
'general' // where to push general/advanced
add_filter('fluentform/response_render_' . $this->key, array($this, 'renderResponse'), 10, 3);
add_filter('fluentform/validate_input_item_' . $this->key, array($this, 'validateInput'), 10, 5);
function getComponent()
return []; // return your element structure
public function getGeneralEditorElements()
return []; // return your general settings keys
public function getAdvancedEditorElements()
return []; // return your advanced settings keys
public function render($data, $form)
// print your valid html for this element
* @param $response string|array|number|null - Original input from form submission
* @param $field array - the form field component array
* @param $form_id - form id
* @return string
public function renderResponse($response, $field, $form_id)
// $response is the original input from your user
// you can now alter the $response and return
return $response;
public function validateInput($errorMessage, $field, $formData, $fields, $form)
$fieldName = $field['name'];
if (empty($formData[$fieldName])) {
return $errorMessage;
$value = $formData[$fieldName]; // This is the user input value
* You can validate this value and return $errorMessage
return [$errorMessage];
* Finally initialize the class
add_action('fluentform/loaded', function () {
new MyAwesomeFFElement();
Final Note #
It’s highly recommended to explore our source files and try to understand the design. Once you get it it’s very easy to implement your own custom input elements. Also please check our a step by step your custom new field creation guide here How to Create Your Own Custom Field in Fluentforms.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach our facebook community group