By default, Fluent Form’s conversational form’s URL looks like this:
But if you want to customize it and make it pretty something like then please follow this tutorial
First copy and paste this code to your theme’s functions.php file or into your custom code snippet plugin
* Internal Function for Fluent Forms Custom Slug
* Do not EDIT this function
function customFfLandingPageSlug($slug)
add_action('init', function () use ($slug) {
add_rewrite_endpoint($slug, EP_ALL);
add_action('wp', function () use ($slug) {
global $wp_query;
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars[$slug])) {
$formString = $wp_query->query_vars[$slug];
if (!$formString) {
$array = explode('/', $formString);
$formId = $array[0];
if (!$formId || !is_numeric($formId)) {
$secretKey = '';
if (count($array) > 1) {
$secretKey = $array[1];
$paramKey = apply_filters('fluentform/conversational_url_slug', 'fluent-form');
$_GET[$paramKey] = $formId;
$_REQUEST[$paramKey] = $formId;
$request = wpFluentForm('request');
$request->set($paramKey, $formId);
$request->set('form', $secretKey);
* Creating custom slug for conversational form landing page
* my-forms is your custom slug for the form
* if your form id is 123 then the landing page url will be then
* if you use Security Code on conversational form then the url will be
* After paste the code to your theme's functions.php file please re-save the permalink settings
customFfLandingPageSlug('my-forms'); // you may change the "my-forms" for your own page slug
Once you add the code, please feel free to change the ‘my-forms’ to your own slug that you want
- my-forms is your custom slug for the form
- if your form id is 123 then the landing page URL will be then
- if you use Security Code on conversational form then the URL will be
Re-Save Permalink #
Please note that once you add the code make sure you re-save your permalink from Settings -> Permalinks (on wp-admin)
That’s it.