The hooks and filters used in various steps of fluent form make it really powerful and easy to add new features. Making strong password requirements is also very simple with the password input filter.
We used regular expressions here to check password strength for example minimum eight-character, must include one uppercase and one lowercase character. You can add more or remove them as you need. You can check live and get code from your regular expression from here.
Use the following code snippet in the theme function.php file or in any PHP snippet plugin. Make sure the password field input name is password or you can change it and add your form ID. That is all.
add_filter('fluentform/validate_input_item_input_password', function($errorMessage, $field, $formData, $fields, $form){
$target_form_id = 9;
if($form->id != $target_form_id){
$password = $formData['password'];
$errorMessage = '';
$pattern = "/[0-9]/";
$match = preg_match($pattern,$password);
if (!$match){
$errorMessage= "You need atleast 1 number!";
return [$errorMessage];
// 8 charcter min
$pattern = "/(?=.{8,})/";
$match = preg_match($pattern,$password);
//preg_match($pattern, $password, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0);
if (!$match){
$errorMessage= "You need minimum 8 charcter!";
return [$errorMessage];
// small and capital
$pattern = "/(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])/";
$match = preg_match($pattern,$password);
if (!$match){
$errorMessage= "You need one to 1 smaller and 1 upper charcter!";
return [$errorMessage];
// special charcter
$pattern = "/(?=.*[^\w\d])/";
$match = preg_match($pattern,$password);
if (!$match){
$errorMessage= "You need one to 1 special charcter !";
return [$errorMessage];
return ;
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