
Fluent Forms Free vs Pro: Everything You Need to Know

Fluent Forms - free vs pro

Mahiyath C
Mahiyath C

Mahiyath is a digital marketer for Fluent Forms. She likes to explore through the alleys of WordPress and learn about the themes and plugins, currently specializing in WordPress forms. When she’s not doing that, she’s planning her next adventure.

2 responses to “Fluent Forms Free vs Pro: Everything You Need to Know”

  1. Rej Philips Avatar
    Rej Philips

    Forminator gives your Paypal integration, File Upload and Calculation fields in their FREE version. For small organizations and charities on low budget Forminator free version gives everything that they need to run a fully functioning online form. Fluent is nice and clean and easy to use, but with very limited functions in the Free version, only limited use. You need a bigger budget to do anything meaningful with it.

    (Given that I do not see any comments below, I would suspect that this gets published, but when you compare two plug-ins you need to also show a fair comparison from a Customer price point)

    1. Sadiq Ahmad Avatar
      Sadiq Ahmad

      Hey, thanks for your opinion.

      You don’t see any comments because there were no comments. We do not remove any constructive and relevant comments, even if it’s against us.

      You’re talking about Forminator, and we do have an article on Forminator vs. Fluent Forms where we discussed the head to head features. But, this article is about comparing our product’s free and pro versions.

      We love Forminator. It’s an excellent product, especially the free version. But you know, every product has its own vision and business strategy. That’s why the differences in features and integrations exist.

      Let’s say we do not provide any payment option in the pro version, but we’re better at security with reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, Turnstile, Akismet, Honeypot, and more. Some of them are available with the free version. Even comparing pro features, Fluent Forms has more fields and integrations. If you compare Fluent Forms with other free plugins, it’s a gem. Some plugins even sell important features like Conditional Logic.

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