
How to Create a WordPress Booking Form

WordPress booking form

Prema Anjum
Prema Anjum

Hello, This is Prema. I work as a marketing strategist for Fluent Forms at WPManageNinja. When I am not playing with words, I go to explore nature.

4 responses to “How to Create a WordPress Booking Form”

  1. Martin Corona Avatar
    Martin Corona

    All of this seems kind of pointless if the form can’t check for availability.

    1. Prema Anjum Avatar
      Prema Anjum

      We’re planning to add some advanced features for booking forms in future.

      1. Scott Heitmann Avatar
        Scott Heitmann

        Having the ability to integrate booking forms with an online calendar would be helpful.

        1. Prema Anjum Avatar
          Prema Anjum

          We’re introducing a dedicated plugin for the booking process. The plugin name is FluentBooking, you can join the waitlist to get the plugin, when it will be launched. https://fluentbooking.com/

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